to the NZ Gender Identity policies website.
to the NZ Gender Identity policies website.
About this site
This site provides summaries and links to gender identity and gender affirmation-related laws and policies in New Zealand government and other institutions. For context, in some instances, it provides international comparisons. Gender identity related laws, policies and practices are those that explicitly address definitions of sex when considering an individual's gender identity or natal sex. This site refers to pro-gender identity policies or laws as those that elevate gender identity over sex and pro-sex policies for those that elevate natal sex over gender identity. Gender affirmation, commonly used in discussing children and young people's health care, refers to the promotion and support of social, legal or medical gender transition for patients identifying outside of their natal sex. |
Site sections
Laws: Covers New Zealand's Human Rights Act 1993, self-identification on birth certificates and conversion therapy ban legislation. Government: Covers official New Zealand position and current situation on gender identity policy areas including schools, bathrooms and puberty blockers. NGOs: Covers the position and activities of the main non-governmental organisations involved in gender identity politics or who advocate for gender identity policy and gender affirmation. |